About Betcom

Betcom Decoration Company is leader in the field of trading and manufacturing the plaster decorative materials in Egypt for long years. Betcom is the trading registered brand for the GLASS FIBER REINFORCED PLASTER (GRP). It has gained its expertise through carrying out a wide range of projects and dealing with spectaculars clients. We are believes that the products must be competitive in the quality and the prices with time factor which is very important, so from this fact we introduce to our clients the product which solved the hard equation. Revival is committed to providing a transparent service for clients – exceptional quality and outstanding excellence every step of the way, so you can be confident that you will receive the best value for your investment.


We are passionate about our commitment to excellence and dedicated to delivering results …


We believe that people are our most valuable assets, understanding our customers' requirement and translating their vision to achieve satisfaction…


We apply the highest ethical, moral and professional standards in our conduct. We act professionally at all times and will not compromise on safety…


We provide a personal service combining innovation and best practice. We constantly look for ways to improve and enhance our services …


We are a highly driven community with great strengths, committed in working together to achieve a common goal. Our aim is to become a window that overlooks, including consultants, contractors and engineers on the latest technologies in the world of decoration. The company took upon itself the responsibility of developing and improving the quality of services provided to you and we also explore the views of our customers and their needs are studying to gain access to the required degree of efficiency

Our Certificates
